by John Harris | Jan 26, 2014 | Retirement
From Shawn, “I would like to share a brief moment of initial uncertainty that I experienced while assessing what had just happened to us after the fire had been extinguished. I was walking around our home and the reality that the fire had destroyed everything...
by John Harris | Jan 20, 2014 | Retirement
From TREA (The Retired Enlisted Association): A new report released by the Department of Veterans’ Affairs has revealed that young veterans are committing suicide at a rate that is nearly three times the rate that active duty Army troops have been committing suicide...
by John Harris | Jan 1, 2014 | Retirement
Chief Master Sergeant Anthony Lopez is the namesake for The Louisiana National Guard Enlisted Association Scholarship. The program awards two scholarships every year in the amount of $2,000 each. Chief Lopez joined the Air Force in 1957 and served in Korea for 18...
by John Harris | Dec 20, 2013 | Legislative, National, Retirement, State, Technician
One of the federal benefits EANGUS and LANGEA has helped secure in the past is recognition of out-of-pocket expenses for Guardsmen who travel significant distances to serve for their drill weekends. Current tax law allows currently serving Guardsmen and reservists...
by John Harris | Dec 11, 2013 | Legislative, National, Retirement, State, Technician
It’s a fair question. If I was a relatively new member of the National Guard and my primary exposure was a recruiter explaining all of the benefits of the National Guard, I would naturally assume that Guardsmen have always enjoyed things like educational...
by John Harris | Dec 10, 2013 | Legislative, National, Retirement, Technician
Dear Senator Murray and Congressman Ryan, I am writing on behalf of the five million federal employees and annuitants represented by the National Active and Retired Federal Employees Association (NARFE) who are dismayed at reports that an increase in federal...