The History of The Louisiana National Guard Enlisted Association, Incorporated
The Louisiana National Guard Enlisted Association was founded and incorporated on August 18, 1976.
The motto of the Association is “Honor through Service”, with it’s purpose being:
- to perpetuate the Louisiana National Guard,
- encourage friendly social relationships among members of the Association,
- to promote State and Federal legislation that shall aid the National Guard of Louisiana and the United States,
- to endeavor through professionalism and leadership; to improve the position and status of the Guardsman in relationship with the civilian community and the military environment,
- to support the Enlisted Association of the National Guard of the United States (EANGUS) and its Constitution.
The first office was established at the Headquarters Building, Jackson Barracks, New Orleans, Louisiana.
Our Founders
The first Board of Directors upon incorporation were:
- President – Patran C. McCann
- Vice President (Air) – Robert A. Haydel
- Vice President (Army) – Harold B. Cook
- Secretary – Rudolph H. Wambsgans, Jr.
- Treasurer – Alfred G. O’Dowd
- Immediate Past President – Norvin J. Schexnaildre
The first Area Directors upon incorporation were:
- Area 1 – George G. Francke, Jr.
- Area 2 – Carl W. Waldron
- Area 3 – Charles M. LaLanne
- Area 4 – Charles L. Posey
- Area 5 – Quentin L. Johnson
- Area 6 – Jimmie Woodward
- Area 7 – Karin Greer
- Area 8 – Oliver M. Vanderhoeven
- Air Guard – Anthony R. Lopez
- Air Guard – Ronald A. Higgins
- Air Guard – George Duncan, Jr.
The first Registered Agents upon incorporation were:
- Ernest N. Souhlas
- Jacob H. Sciambra