The Louisiana National Guard Enlisted National Guard Association offers $1,000 of free life Insurance to all members of the LA National Guard as well as a year of free $10,000 in life insurance to all new recruits and members coming off of active duty into the LA National Guard.  LANGEA, NGALA, and American Equity Life Investment Company offer this because we are  dedicated organizations who want to take care of our Guard Family and any financial stress that may come from an untimely death.   If you know of any new recruits who have not taken advantage of this opportunity please have them contact John M. Harris at 504-388-5423 or

In addition to our Free Insurance Plans we offer a Group Insurance Policy for all Members of the LA National Guard.  Our program:

  • pays in 24 hours,
  • pays for any cause of death,
  • can be maintained at the same rates once you leave or retire from the Guard up to the age of 65,
  • and you can have it taken directly from your military pay as an allotment.

We offer:

  • Current LA National Guard members anywhere from $10,000 – $50,000,
  • Dependents (under 21 out of school and under 23 in school) up to $10,000,
  • Spouses anywhere from $5,000 – $35,000 in coverage.

Our focus is on the family and the financial needs that come immediately upon a death.  On average a funeral in Louisiana costs anywhere from $7,000 – $10,000 (and that is before the added costs of cemetery costs, markers, obituary, etc.).  Add in the immediate expenses for mortgage/rent, car payment, credit card bills, etc. that have to be paid while the SGLI or civilian policies are being processed.  Does your family have enough to pay all the bills?   If not let us help.

Simply download the application forms by clicking on the button below, select your coverage amount, sign, and scan the completed forms to
