This is a good summary document on The Enlisted Association of the National Guard of the United States.  Click here to download.

The Enlisted Association of the National Guard of the United States (EANGUS) was created in 1970 by a group of senior NCO’s. It was formally organized / incorporated in 1972 in Jackson, Mississippi, with the goal of increasing the voice of enlisted persons in the National Guard on Capitol Hill for enlisted National Guard issues. Beginning with twenty-three states, EANGUS now represents all 54 states and territories, with a constituency base of over 414,000, as well as thousands of retired members.

Headquartered in Alexandria, Virginia, a stone’s throw from Washington DC, EANGUS maintains a full-time staff to represent your interests to the Pentagon and on Capitol Hill. EANGUS co-chairs the Military Coalition Guard/Reserve Committee and has presence on TMC Health Care, Membership, MWR&Milcon, Personnel, Retirement, Survivors, and Veterans subcommittees. Affiliate organizations of EANGUS consist of 36 major military and veteran organizations representing 5.5 million members (Military Coalition) and 30 Military and Veterans’ organizations (Military AD-HOC).

Why do we need EANGUS? Anti-lobbying act (18 USC 1913) prohibits expenditure of federal funds on “grass roots” lobbying efforts to induce public to contact Congress concerning legislation or appropriations. FISCAL LAW is recurring provision in DOD’s annual appropriations act that no funds “shall be used in any way, directly or indirectly, to influence congressional action.”