The LANGEA Board met last week to discuss the budget for the upcoming year.  Some things for our membership to be aware of:

By Laws revision – Our current By Laws were created in the mid-1970’s, and have been amended many times over the years.  As a consequence, there are some things that were amended in 1 area, but were left unchanged in another and we have some conflicting statements.  Additionally, the IRS has published some guidelines for “Good Governance” in the last decade, and our current By Laws do not conform to those standards in some areas.  The plan is to do a complete revision of our organizations By Laws, post them to the LANGEA website, and at the 2014 State Conference, put the new revision to a vote of the membership.  We will send out a notice to everyone once we get the draft posted, and between now and the end of February, we can re-word whatever we want in the draft.  Once we reach 45 days prior to the 2014 State Conference, we have to have the By Laws Revision Proposal in its final form for a vote.  Approval will require 2/3 vote to approve.

Area Director Elections – 2014 is the year that the areas (units) elect their representatives to the LANGEA Board.  In year’s past, we have had personnel elected, but never heard from them.  Elections will be held for the following positions:

  • 159th Fighter Wing
  • 122nd ASOS/259 ATCS
  • 214 EIS
  • 236th CBCS
  • Joint Forces HQ
  • 61st Troop Command
  • SAC
  • 225th EN BDE
  • 256th INF BDE
  • 199th Training
  • Recruiting & Retention
  • 139th RSG
  • Retirees

Nominations Forms will be posted to the website under the 2014 State Conference menu.  Anyone interested in running for office should fill out the form and submit it to the LANGEA Executive Director.