The National Office Staff has had an incredibly productive start in the New Year. Higlights include a surge in membership (more than 5,000!) and a record number (108) of attendees to our Legislative Workshop that begins tomorrow:
Some key information and activities included:
MEMBERSHIP: While EANGUS finished 2013 with a projected reduction in membership, we have seen a remarkable surge of more than 5,000 members this month and nearly $57,000 in membership revenue! Once the end-of-year 2013 numbers are reconciled after today’s deadline, we expect to show a national increase in membership! We especially appreciate the surge in memberships from Louisiana, Tennessee, Arkansas, Mississippi and Utah! Additionally, the new website back-end is functioning well and we are seeing an average of 50 joins or renewals per day through the website!
COMMUNICATIONS: Joan Gardiner sent out two Calls to Action(CTA) and 8 Minuteman Updates (MMU) in January and finalized the Winter 2014 edition of New Patriot (available online):
Calls to Action:
- 23 Jan: EANGUS backs letter from Representative Hunter and Walz
- 28 Jan: Support H.R. 3930 establishing a National Commission on the Structure of the Army
Minuteman Updates:
- 7 Jan: EANGUS Legislative Workshop
- 9 Jan: EANGUS Congratulates SGM Richard Erickson on prevailing on his 14-year long USERRA lawsuit
- 13 Jan: AF Commission to release findings on 30 JAN 2014
- 14 Jan: EANGUS Future Phoenix Scholarship Application Period is OPEN
- 23 Jan: EANGUS announces Congressional Award Recipients
- 29 Jan: Army, veterans group focus on reintegration for Soldiers, (Seth in article and photo)
- 30 Jan: Special report on release of National Commission on the Structure of the Air Force
- 31 Jan: Winter New Patriot available to members on line
LEGISLATIVE: Seth Waugh has spent the majority of his time this month preparing for our Legislative Workshop and Congressional Awards Reception (Feb 1-4), but still held the following key meetings on Capitol Hill:
- 14 Jan: U.S. Rep Scott Perry (R-PA)
- 15 Jan: U.S. Senator Bernie Sanders (I-VT), Chairman, Senate Veterans Affairs Committee
- 15 Jan: U.S. Senator Rob Portman (R-OH)
- 22 Jan: U.S. Reps Doug Lamborn (R-CO), Brad Wenstrup (R-OH), Joe Heck (R-NV), Pete Gallego (D-TX-23), Scott Rigell (R-VA)
- 9 Jan: Seth Waugh attended meeting of The Military Coalition
- 14 Jan: Executive Director Al Garver met with NGAUS to discuss implementation of the new Insurance Trust agreement with EANGUS becoming actively involved in marketing those products . Seth Waugh met with NGB Legislative Liaison CMSgt Gary Jackson.
- 15 Jan: Al Garver parcipated in a teleconference with USAA, discussing marketing plans for the year.
- 15 Jan: Al Garver and Joan Gardiner participated in a teleconference with GLC Custom Media, finalizing edits to the Winter 2014 New Patriot, and coordinating the bookmaps for the following three editions.
- 24 Jan: Seth Waugh attended Army VSO/MSO Summit – Meet with GEN Ordierno (Army CoS), LT GEN Horoho (Army Surgeon General and Commander, US Army Medical Command), MAJ GEN Karen Dyson (Director of Army Budget Office), and COL Adam Rocke (Director of Soldier for Life program).
- Press coverage here
- 24-25 Jan: Al Garver traveled to Kansas City, KS, to brief the Area IV Regional Caucus participants on National Office activities.
- 27 Jan: Alaska State President Steve Burris visited the National Office in Arlington, Virginia.
- 28 Jan: Al Garver attended a breakfast meeting of the NGB Alumni Association at the Ft Myer Officers Club. Guest speaker was Lt Gen Sid Clarke, Director of the Air National Guard.
- 28 Jan: Al Garver attended a “Coalition & Alliance Executive Directors Meeting” at the Defense Health Headquarters, Falls Church, VA, led By Lt Gen Robb, Air Force Surgeon General. The agency was providing a pre-brief on: the rollout of mailing prescriptions to the homes of some 300,000 Tricare For Life beneficiaries; development of a Nurse Advice Line; closure of all 189 TRICARE Service Centers (walk-in); clarification of authorized Laboratory Development Tests; and changes in Mental Health treatment classifications issues relating to signficant (long-term) grief over the loss of a loved one. EANGUS will provide a comprehensive article on these services and clarification in the Spring New Patriot.
- 29 Jan: Al Garver had a 90-minute teleconference with Jody Donehoo, Kevin Dwyer, and Brian Smith, Program Managers of the Reserve and Service Memb
- 30 Jan: Al Garver and Seth Waugh attended the issuance of the final report of the National Commission on the Structure of the Air Force, and followed up with a Minuteman Update to members.
- 31 Jan: Al Garver attended the Health Net Annual Beneficiaries meeting
Al Garver – Executive Director, EANGUS