National Guard Family Support Request – Please consider a donation.

DonoOn April 10, 2016, Donovan Alipio heard a crash outside and ran to assist the Family of National Guardsman SGT Taurean Shropshire. While rendering assistance, a car driving at excessive speeds, ran off the roadway, striking Donovan. Donovan was thrown over 50 feet before landing in the ditch, and the family of SGT Shropshire lost two young boys and left the mother and daughter with serious injuries. Donovan was in critical condition in ICU for several days with bleeding and swelling in his brain, a fractured skull, bleeding of his duodenum, a concussion, facial fractures, a fractured femur, skin lacerations, multiple abrasions, and he lost the feeling and full use of the top of his right hand. After the bleeding in his brain and duodenum stopped, he had to have surgery on his knee. Doctors placed two screws in his knee and he remained in the hospital for several more days.

Donovan and his family is now dealing with doctor visits, the unknown of what’s to come with the fractures in his face, and months of physical therapy.

Orthopedic Doctor said he will need physical therapy, but thankfully, the x-rays show his knee is lined up and healing correctly.

The Maxillofacial Surgeon said he broke his eye sockets, nose, and a piece splintered into his left eye orbit causing the level of his eyeball to sit lower, but he’s afraid even with surgery that eye will never be leveled correctly.

The Neurologist said that Donovan cannot return to school this year. With the skull fracture, the concussion, and the bleeding/swelling on his brain he will have to slowly be reintroduced to school work like 15-20 minutes a day. He will not be able to focus very long at a time. He will have to start over and take his classes next school year because he’s not able to do the end of year/final exams for them.

Doctors are worried with the trauma to his head and now having scar tissue on his brain he may start experiencing seizures down the road.

Donovan tells everyone that he is SO VERY BLESSED! He does not regret being out there that night or where he is today. His only regret is that he did not see the drunk driver coming and that he was not able to keep the National Guard Family safe.

Donovan is a 15 year old who is passionate about soccer. He played travel soccer with LPSA and he also played for Walker High School on the Varsity and Jr Varsity teams. He knows he will have extensive rehabilitation and multiple follow-up visits before he will find out when he can play soccer again. He has a long, hard road ahead of him, but he is a very strong willed and determined young man. The family is starting to receive the medical expenses associated with this accident and LANGEA would like for you to consider supporting this young man who put his own safety aside to help a National Guard Family. The Alipio family has some medical insurance, however, there will be thousands of dollars in uncovered expenses that are starting to come in.

Please consider supporting this young man who rushed to the aid of one of our own.
