FROM TREA (The Retired Enlisted Association):
On Tuesday morning (the first day of new session) we received a call from Rep. Rodney Davis’ (R-IL) office alerting us that HR 22 Hiring More Heroes Act for 2015 (the new version of HR3474) would be on the House floor for a vote that afternoon. It was a few hours later but sure enough it was passed quickly and unanimously with a vote of 412-0. In the last Congress it passed 406-1.
The legislation would exempt employees with coverage from TRICARE or the VA for purposes of gauging whether a business has 50 or more full-time employees and thus must supply health benefits to full-time employees under the Affordable Care Act (Obamacare.) It is, of course, a veterans bill but it also appeals to many members of Congress as an attack on Obamacare and as a vehicle to increase employment generally. It is a bill that TREA has endorsed. At the end of this article you will find Representative Davis’ Press Release on the passage of this act and TREA’s support of it. After its passage Rep Davis said:”I am humbled by the amount of support shown by the new Congress for my legislation to help businesses hire more of our nation’s veterans,”said Davis. “The Hire More Heroes Act is a great example of the type of bipartisan, jobs legislation that we will continue to advance on behalf of the American people. It is my hope that this legislation will receive swift action in the Senate and by the President so we can put an end to the gridlock in Washington and put our nation on solid footing for a bright future.”