On Thursday July 3rd the Military Compensation and Retirement Modernization Commission (MCRMC) issued its Interim Report. (Please go to the link below to read all 358 pages (or perhaps just the Executive Summary.) This is an exhaustive analysis which the Commission intends to be: “our understanding of the military compensation and benefit programs; relevant laws, regulations, and policies; associated appropriated Federal funding; and historical and contextual background for the uniformed services’ compensation and benefit programs across the Federal Government”.
They are going to use this as a basis of their modernization recommendations which they intend to submit to the President and Congress on February 1st 2015. TREA the Enlisted Association, has met several times with the Commissions and their staffs to discuss our beliefs of what is deserved and needed by those who serve a career in the military and why your earned benefits must be protected. But you can comment individually by going to their web site at www.mcrmc.gov and clicking on their comment section. We keep repeating that this is a very important Commission. Their recommendation may very well have enormous influence for the future. So it is important that you are heard as often as possible.