More Information: Right now is a very good time for every member of the National Guard to stand up and be counted. It is the Guard’s opportunity and duty to help mold the future of all those who choose to serve our country in uniform.
The Military Compensation and Retirement Modernization Commission, established by the fiscal 2013 National Defense Authorization Act, is currently conducting a review of all military compensation and retirement systems. This Commission is tasked to submit a report, containing a comprehensive study and recommendations, by Feb. 1, 2015, to the President of the United States and Congress. The report will contain detailed findings and conclusions of the Commission, together with recommendations for changes in law. Congress is very likely to use these recommendations when crafting both authorization and appropriations bills next year.
The Commission has already released an Interim Report that comprehensively reviews 65 special and incentive pays, 40 health benefit programs 200 distinct programs and benefits administered by eight separate federal agencies in support of military, veteran, retiree and family member quality of life. Although recommendations cannot affect the retirement eligibility date or the amount of retirement pay to the detriment of servicemembers serving, or who have retired, before such recommendations are enacted, the final recommendations will affect the National Guard recruiting, retention, pay and benefits for decades to come.
Of keen interest to members of the National Guard, the Commission notes that current compensation programs do not adequately address the requirements of an operational National Guard and the Commission offers an opportunity to address such inefficiencies.
The Commission wants to understand YOUR compensation preferences and concerns, and is surveying a number of current and retired servicemembers during the next few months. Even if you don’t receive a survey, there are other ways to let your voice be heard. There is a comment section on the Commission website, and written comments may be mailed directly to The Military Compensation and Retirement Modernization Commission, P.O. Box 13170, Arlington, VA 22209.
This is a great opportunity for the Guard to actively participate in crafting recommendations that will shape the future of the nation’s military force, and NGAUS highly recommends that NGAUS members take advantage of this opportunity. There is much at stake here, and the time to help is now.