- Streamline the complex reserve duty status system without reducing compensation value.
- Improve transition and reintegration support services for Guard Families.
- Reduce the earliest Guard retirement compensation age from 60 to 55.
- Credit all Post 9/11 active duty service toward Guard early retirement.
- Permit “rollover” credit of qualifying active duty tours performed over multiple fiscal years toward Guard early retirement.
- Remove the annual cap of 130 points on inactive duty points that can be applied towards retirement.
- Provide employer and self-employed tax credits and enhance job security.
- Support greater transparency in reporting and resolving USERRA violations.
- Authorize reimbursement for military duty-related travel of at least 50 miles (instead of current 100 miles).
- Enhance Selected Reserve Montgomery GI Bill (MGIB-SR) benefits.
- Award Veterans’ status to all National Guard members.
- Push for Tuition Assistance benefits for Air National Guard members in the same manner as Army National Guard.
- 25% Automobile Car Insurance Discount available to all members of the Louisiana National Guard.
- Continue to fund the State Tuition Exemption Program educational benefit for Louisiana National Guard.