Benefits Fights Not Over: The COLA penalty was a surprise provision in last December’s Bipartisan Budget Agreement.  More surprises could come in March, when the administration releases its fiscal year 2015 budget recommendations.  Back in August 2011, the VFW unveiled its 10 for 10 Plan, which were 10 DOD/VA programs that they believed were under threat of elimination or reduction to help pay for (then) 10 years of war.  Below are the 10 programs, which are still on the radarscope based on present-day budget battles, the deficit, the continued threat of sequestration, and the recommendations to be made next year by the Military Compensation and Retirement Modernization Commission:

* Change the 20-year military retirement plan to resemble civilian plans.
* Increase healthcare premiums for military families and retirees on TRICARE.
* Increase pharmaceutical fees for military families and retirees.
* Reduce COLA increases.
* End government subsidies to military commissaries.
* Eliminate DOD elementary schools stateside.
* Eliminate DOD tuition assistance programs for service members.
* Eliminate presumptive service-connected conditions for disabled and ill veterans.
* Lock out or increase fees for VA Priority Group 7 and 8 veterans.
* And lower or freeze military pay, similar to the recent three-year (FY 2011-13) freeze for federal civilians.

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